Welcome to ASUS Foundation

   05/21/2026   ANJANA V KARUN    40   Shares


I am Sreelatha from Thiruvananthapuram
Lifestyle diseases are defined as diseases linked with the way people live their life. These are non-communicable diseases.Diet and lifestyle are major factors thought to influence susceptibility to many diseases. Drug abuse, tobacco smoking, and alcohol drinking, as well as a lack of or too much exercise may also increase the risk of developing certain diseases, especially later in life.
Prevention is remedies or activities that aim to reduce the likelihood of a disease or disorder affecting people. Lifestyle diseases are preventable for children if parents set them on the correct path, as early life decisions and influences can impact people later on in life.
So that here we are going to start a foundation for the accomodation of the affected peoples and also financial and studying facilities for their childrens. And also an awareness about life style diseases and genetic diseases towards public for creating a healthy world

Tranding Fundraising Campaigns

Suresh PA

Rs 2,50,000

   16 Mar 2025    Suresh PA

Suresh PA

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Rural schools infrastructure

Rs 5,00,00,000

   16 Mar 2025   Moksha C

Rural schools infrastructure

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Organic Farming

Rs 50,00,000

   23 Mar 2025   KALPANA. P

Organic Farming

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