Welcome to ASUS Foundation

   05/19/2025   Radhakrishnan M R    43   Shares

All Kerala Emergency Medical Service
I am sudheesh from kerala.
My aim is to highlight thne importance of the ambulance service in modern life and the need to provide it in areas where it is not free.
We are going through an ever increasing period of accidents.The Pandemic disease COVID-19 is spreading all over the world. During this worsening period the importance of ambulance services is huge. Time has been playing a crucial role during the treatment. Sometimes blinks of seconds could decide the importance of life.Therefore, the expansion of the ambulance service is essential today. Every day we hear the news that a pregnant woman has died on the way to hospital or a death of a patient due to lack of treatment while on traveling.This is due to the extensive ambulance system. This horrible situation needs to change.
The free ambulance system, which is available for every 30km in every 24 hours, should be deployed. It should be affordable to the people who are financially backwards. Thus it is essential for the expansion of free ambulance system.
The idea of air ambulance system in all over kerala is still awaiting for being executing even though it is officially inaugurated with active discussions.
We have once again proved the Nipah pestilence directly.But the existing ambulance service could not be increased or intensified. Assist in prevention activities. Carry out auxiliary activities at accident level.
Deliver medicines and services to those in need.We have to rely on this issue vigorously.

Tranding Fundraising Campaigns

Suresh PA

Rs 2,50,000

   16 Mar 2025    Suresh PA

Suresh PA

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Rural schools infrastructure

Rs 5,00,00,000

   16 Mar 2025   Moksha C

Rural schools infrastructure

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Organic Farming

Rs 50,00,000

   23 Mar 2025   KALPANA. P

Organic Farming

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