Welcome to ASUS Foundation

   03/28/2026   FOUSIYA K    42   Shares

I'm Fousiya from kasargod district In kerala. According to a 2011 statistics the kasargod district which consists of 39 panchayats and 3 municipalities have ba population of approximately 1302600.
Even though the district was leading in agricultural sector, the greed of kasargod plantation corporation led them to spray the toxic chemicals like endosulfan in cashew nut gardens, starting from 1970s and continuing upto 20 years, which left the whole district shook. Being a backward district it took a while for the outside world to know about the disaster. By then most places had already surrendered to this disaster. Including varieties of bird species and even the newborn babies subjected to this disaster. Even though the use of endosulfan has banned through many struggles, the consequences of the disaster is still left.
I've been doing whatever I can to give my maximum support in the health sector. We can see many people around us who are suffering to get a proper medication and medicines. My purpose is to deliver food, medicines, hospitalisation and accommodation to those who are in need.
I've seen many people who begs for some food. And I've also trying my best to reach those hands.
To be a support to those deserving people...
In this small life we can do our best for the sakeness of the world...

So pls coperate and help this project

Tranding Fundraising Campaigns

Suresh PA

Rs 2,50,000

   16 Mar 2025    Suresh PA

Suresh PA

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Rural schools infrastructure

Rs 5,00,00,000

   16 Mar 2025   Moksha C

Rural schools infrastructure

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Organic Farming

Rs 50,00,000

   23 Mar 2025   KALPANA. P

Organic Farming

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